12 Steps to Becoming a Successful YouTuber in 2022

12 Steps to Becoming a Successful YouTuber

I think don't need to tell you that YouTub is the second most-visited website in the world. On this platform almost 2 billion active users. You can watch easily videos in 80 languages on YouTube. Almost 720,000 hours of videos are uploaded on youtube every day.

But how can you grow on YouTube as a startup? In this article, we will tell you 12 easy steps to growing on YouTube.

12 Steps to Becoming a Successful YouTuber

  • Title SEO
  • Add Description
  • Short Channel Intro
  • Create Eye-Catchy Thumbnails
  • Add End Screen
  • Add Icard
  • Keyword Searching
  • Making Lengthy Videos
  • Making Live Videos
  • Create Videos Playlists
  • Adding Subscribe Button On the Video
  • Channel Trailer

(1) Title SEO

Youtube video titles attract users. Because when users search for any videos. So first users type titles on the search bar. YouTube video titles are very important for growing YouTube channels.

Your video title should be almost 65 to 70 characters. Because when you type above 70 characters. So YouTube does not show characters of more than 70 characters. You can use different tools for title SEO. You can check title ranking and more YouTube videos titles ideas with help of tools country-wise. Like:
Simply create an account in this tool and find search-able Title related video topics.

(2) Add Description

The YouTube Channel Description is the most important part of SEO. Description can help your youtube video increase watch time, Subscribe, and views. You can add tags in the description using the smart method. For example, you can add question-related tags and related topics.

If you use direct tags in descriptions youtube will ban your channel. Because youtube is not give allowed to use tags in descriptions. Besides you can promote other sites and social media platforms help of descriptions.

You can use 5000 words in descriptions. But if write 4000 words so better for the channel.

(3) Short Channel Intro

If you want to work a long time so create a short YouTube Channel Intro. Anyone can estimate after watching your short channel intro what is content in your channel.

when anyone will open your channel so short channel intro automatically plays. You have to go to customize the layout and set the intro. You can create your own channel intro.

(4) Create Eye-Catchy Thumbnails

After watching your thumbnail user decided whether should be video watched or not watch. Your YouTube thumbnail should be eye-catchy.

If you want to make the best youtube thumbnails. So your youtube thumbnails size should be 1080*720. Use font style in thumbnail Blod and Italic. Should be colored in thumbnail eye-catchy.

If you don't know how to make youtube thumbnails. So you can use canva.com because canva is the best site for creating youtube thumbnails.

(5) Add End Screen

After watching the video user moves to other channel videos. Because youtube suggests other channel videos of users.

But if you want that user does not move to other channel videos so you can use the end screen. When ending will your YouTube video so YouTube some videos suggest of users from your channel. You can set the end screen to 5 to 20 seconds. You can save some youtube end screen templates for eye-catchy ending videos as you see in the image.

(6) Add I Card

Icard is a very important part of YouTube SEO. With the help of icard you can increase views on youtube. You can use YouTube icard in the video starts, middle, and end.

(7) Keyword Searching

If you do a keyword search using batter tools. So you can get billions of views on the channel. You can get searchable traffic with helping of keyword search.

You can use some tools for better keyword search like
  • rapidtags.io
  • google keyword planner
  • keywordtool.io

(8) Making Lengthy Videos

Youtube does very focused on engagements. If you want to grow your YouTube channel so you create lengthy videos for the channel. Your YouTube lengthy videos should be estimated to be 10 to 15 minutes. You can easily monetize your channel with help of lengthy videos.

(9) Create Videos Playlists

Playlists are very important for 3 main reasons:

First, playlists do help in sprat your content category-wise. That way, whenever someone new visitors come to the channel so they easily find content.

Second, YouTube video playlists do increase your channel watch time. Because all videos automatically play in playlists.

Third, playlists are best for video SEO. Because playlists promote your videos. When a user searches for any keyword youtube provides the user with keyword-related playlists.

(10) YouTube Subscribe Button 

To subscribe to anyone's youtube channel should be just one press a button this is an easy method for users.

If you want to increase subscribers to the youtube channel. So you have to make it easy for users to subscribe.

You can add YouTube subscribe button to your youtube videos. That way subscribe will be easy for the audience. You can add a youtube subscribe button in videos help of youtube subscribe button images.

If you want to add youtube subscribe button images to all your youtube videos so let's start:

(1). First of all, open your YouTube studio and then go to the customization tab and then click on the branding button.

(2). Now upload subscribe button or any image for making subscribe button, And then click on the publish button as you can see in the image.

(11) YouTube Channel Tralier

The YouTube Channel Trailer is a video. Channel trailer help user quickly learns about the channel. One YouTube Channel Trailer should be to 10 to 60 seconds.

If you don't how to create a channel trailer. You can create a channel trailer with help of some online sites. This site gives you channel trailer templates like canva.com. You can easily edit these templates according to data. The Channel trailer automatically plays when the user opens the youtube home page.

(12) Short Channel Intro

The short channel intro does welcome users. If you want to create a short channel intro without any software so you can go to the canva.com site. On this site, you can create a free short channel intro.

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